Course Description

Advanced Paranormal Investigations: Unraveling the Unknown

Have you ever felt a chill in the air, unexplained by the weather? Or sensed a presence, even when you’re alone? Paranormal events have intrigued and mystified humans for centuries. This course, designed for those passionate about the paranormal, goes beyond mere "ghost-busting" to offer a comprehensive exploration of paranormal phenomena and the methodologies to investigate them.

Why Choose this Course

Paranormal investigations are more than mere thrill-seeking. They are about understanding the unexplained, about exploring the boundaries between our world and the ethereal. Contrary to popular beliefs often portrayed on television, there’s a scientific and sensitive approach to paranormal investigations. This course equips you with both knowledge and tools to approach the world beyond.

Course Highlights

  • Deep Dive into the Paranormal - Understand the nuanced differences between various types of ghosts and hauntings. Learn not just to spot them but also the theories behind their existence.

  • Sensitivity Training - Not all interactions with the spirit world are initiated by them. By developing personal transformation techniques, learn to become more perceptive and sensitive to energies and entities. This not only enhances investigations but can also lead to a more profound personal understanding of the unknown.

  • Assisting the Spirits - Sometimes spirits may need help, be it understanding their situation or finding peace. Acquire the skills to assist them, transcending the role of a mere observer to someone who can make a difference.

Detailed Course Breakdown

  • Lesson One: Introduction - Set the stage by understanding what paranormal investigations truly entail.

  • Lesson Two: The Nature of Ghosts - Delve into the heart of the subject. Who or what are ghosts? How do they differ?

  • Lesson Three: Extra Sensory Perception - Grasp the phenomenon where information is gained through means aside from the five traditional senses.

  • Lesson Four: Clairvoyance and Clairaudience - Discover the psychic abilities of 'clear seeing' and 'clear hearing' and their roles in paranormal investigations.

  • Lesson Five: Mediumship and Channeling - Explore the fascinating world of mediums who can communicate with spirits and the art of channeling.

  • Lesson Six: Experiencing the Paranormal - Dive into personal experiences, accounts, and methodologies to document them.

  • Lesson Seven: Preparing For a Paranormal Investigation - Understand the preliminary steps, from selecting locations to gathering a skilled team.

  • Lesson Eight: Nuts and Bolts of a Spirit Contact Vigil - Learn the intricacies of conducting a spirit contact session.

  • Lesson Nine: The Challenge of Evidence Gathering - Focus on gathering irrefutable evidence, the challenges, and tools to assist.

  • Lesson Ten: Further Considerations - Dive deeper into specific considerations that might arise during investigations.

  • Lesson Eleven: Summing Up the Logistics - From equipment to team roles, understand the operational aspects of an investigation.

  • Lesson Twelve: Financing Your Hobby - Paranormal investigations can be pricey. Learn effective ways to finance your passion.

  • Lesson Thirteen: Ghost Stories - A treat for the curious mind. Dive into tales, their origins, and their implications.

A New Perspective Awaits

By the end of this course, not only will you be more informed about the spectral world, but you'll also have the tools and knowledge to investigate it responsibly and effectively. Whether you're seeking to validate personal experiences, aiming to assist distressed spirits, or purely intrigued by the unexplained, this course will elevate your journey into the paranormal. Dive deep into the mysteries of the beyond, and let the unseen stories unfold before you.

  • Completely Online
  • Self-Paced
  • Printable Lessons
  • Full HD Video  
  • 6 Months to Complete
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Start Anytime
  • PC & Mac Compatible
  • Android & iOS Friendly
  • Accredited CEUs
Universal Class is an IACET Accredited Provider

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Describe the technical tools available for ghost identification and demonstrate their use in investigating paranormal phenomena.
  • Explain the theories of after-life and apply methods for personal transformation to increase sensitivity to paranormal energies.
  • Evaluate and discuss the potential psychological and environmental factors contributing to paranormal experiences, using examples to illustrate different theoretical perspectives.
  • Identify and describe the main types of paranormal phenomena, including residual activities, hauntings, and poltergeist activities, and their distinguishing characteristics.
  • Demonstrate the ability to practice meditation and affirmations to develop and heighten sensitivity to extra sensory perceptions by identifying specific techniques and methods.
  • Recognize and describe the relationship between belief in ESP and performance in non-scientific experiments by analyzing various psychological and environmental factors.
  • Demonstrate techniques to develop clairvoyance and clairaudience through meditation and intentional practice, tracking progress through personal experiences and observations.
  • Recognize and define the characteristics of clairvoyance and clairaudience, differentiating between visual and auditory psychic abilities.
  • Identify and implement strategies for creating a conducive environment for spirit channeling, including forming a development circle and practicing calmness during contact events.
  • Demonstrate the ability to mediate spirit communication through various methods such as symbols, colors, and sensations during mediumship sessions.
  • Describe how to conduct a séance using meditation and group focus without technological tools.
  • Identify different psychic tools and their applications in paranormal investigations.
  • Identify potential non-paranormal explanations for observed disturbances by assessing environmental and structural factors within the investigation site.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Assessment Guide

Assessment Points
Lesson 1 Assignment 1 points
Quiz for Lesson One: Introduction 20 points
Lesson 2 Assignment 2 points
Quiz for Lesson Two: The nature of ghosts 20 points
Lesson 3 Assignment 2 points
Quiz for Lesson Three: Extra Sensory Perception 18 points
Quiz for Lesson Four: Clairvoyance and Clairaudience 19 points
Lesson 5 Assignment 2 points
Quiz for Lesson Five: Mediumship and Channeling 18 points
Quiz for Lesson Six: Experiencing the Paranormal 19 points
Lesson 7 Assignment - Interview Template 2 points
Quiz for Lesson Seven: Preparing For a Paranormal Investigation 20 points
Quiz for Lesson Eight: Nuts and Bolts of a Spirit Contact Vigil 17 points
Lesson 9 Assignment 2 points
Quiz for Lesson Nine: The Challenge of Evidence Gathering 20 points
Lesson 10 Assignment 2 points
Quiz for Lesson Ten: Further Considerations 20 points
Lesson 11 Assignment 2 points
Quiz for Lesson Eleven: Summing Up the Logistics 14 points
Quiz for Lesson Twelve: Financing your hobby. 20 points
Lesson 13 - Your Favorite Ghost Story 2 points
Quiz for Lesson Thirteen: Ghost Stories 14 points
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