Online Class: Horseback Riding 101
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14Exams &
Assignments -
average time -
Course Description
While it's impossible to describe the exhilaration and connections to yourself and to nature you will experience while riding a horse, be assured that nothing else you ever do will be quite like it. That may not seem true the day after your first ride, when you will probably have some aches and pains from muscles you don't use often and may feel like your legs have forever become an "O" shape, or when you are learning to ride the trot, which is a big challenge for most of us, but those kinds of problems will disappear quickly as you learn and love to ride.
You'll also love horses themselves. They are friendly, gentle animals and companions – and enjoyable riding requires that you and your horse, or a stable horse you may ride, work together. Since horses are herding animals in the wild, they enjoy having at least one other horse companion, and will take you into their herd, too. You'll like that!
- Completely Online
- Self-Paced
- Printable Lessons
- Full HD Video
- 6 Months to Complete
- 24/7 Availability
- Start Anytime
- PC & Mac Compatible
- Android & iOS Friendly
- Accredited CEUs

Course Lessons
Lesson 1: Building Bonds: Horses and Humans
Lesson 1 Video
Lesson discussions: Reasons for Taking this Course
Complete Assignment: Introduce Yourself
Assessment: Lesson 1 The Joys of Riding
Lesson 2: Navigating the World of Western vs. English Riding Styles
Lesson 2 Video
Assessment: Lesson 2 Why Take Lessons and Basic Horse Sense
Lesson 3: Choosing the Perfect Riding Instructor: A Comprehensive Guide
Lesson 3 Video
Assessment: Lesson 3 Finding a Good Instructor for Lessons
Lesson 4: The Essentials of Buying and Caring for Your Horse
Lesson 4 Video
Assessment: Lesson 4 Should you Buy? Finding a Trainer and Vet, Buying Your Horse
Lesson 5: From Nomadic Roots to Modern Rides: The Evolution of Horse Breeds
Lesson 5 Video
Assessment: Lesson 5 Horse History and Breeds, Choosing a Breed and Riding Style
Lesson 6: Boarding Insights: Creating a Safe and Nurturing Environment for Horses
Lesson 6 Video
Assessment: Lesson 6 Horse Habitats, Food and Grooming
Lesson 7: Understanding Halters and Bridles in Horse Riding
Lesson 7 Video
Assessment: Lesson 7 Horse Tack: Halters and Leads, Bridle or Hackamores
Lesson 8: Understanding Saddles: Design, Fit, and Materials
Lesson 8 Video
Assessment: Lesson 8 Saddles and Other Tack
Lesson 9: Equestrian Essentials: Back to Basics
Lesson 9 Video
Assessment: Lesson 9 Horse Talk and Reviewing the Basics
Lesson 10: Ensuring the Longevity and Vitality of Your Horse: A Comprehensive Guide
Lesson 10 Video
Assessment: Lesson 10 Keeping Your Horse Healthy and Happy
Lesson 11: The Intricacies of Trotting and Cantering
Lesson 11 Video
Assessment: Lesson 11 Medium and Advanced Skills Progress
Lesson 12: Saddle Up: A Beginner's Guide to Horse Sports and Vacations
Lesson 12 Video
Lesson discussions: End of Course Poll; Course Comments
Assessment: Lesson 12 Horseback Vacations, Camps, Showing, Racing and Performing
Assessment: The Final Exam
Learning Outcomes
- Summarize the joys of riding.
- Describe how to find a good instructor for lessons.
- Determine whether or not you should buy a horse.
- Describe horse history and breeds, choosing a breed and riding style.
- Describe horse habitats, food and grooming.
- Summarize horse tack.
- Summarize saddles and other tack.
- Describe ways of keeping your horse healthy and happy.
- Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.