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Landlord 101: Managing Rental Properties
Student Testimonials
"It was extremely helpful and I am glad I took this course. I learned a lot of information and I needed it all to understand how to pursue property management successfully. As far as the videos--those helped also because I could play the audio, take my notes, and still listen. I'll be more than happy to recommend this course to anyone." --
Kelton B.
"The course was very thorough and offered a great opportunity to learn how to be successful at property management." --
Nasheika M.
"Loved the course! It was on my time, I did not feel rushed or pressured. The teacher was quick with grading my assignments and tests. I look forward to looking at other online classes and taking them at UniversalClass." --
Candace W.
"This is a very helpful resource for me and it has really expanded my scope of income property management. The course layout and lesson content are excellent. Thanks." --
Nurudeen I.
"I am applying and seeking multi-family homes through NACA program and they required that I take a landlord class with certification. This course was very helpful. I am so glad I took this course." --
Margret R.
"I would highly recommend this course to anyone who decides to be a property manager or become a landlord. Very informative and hands on." --
Tawana B.
"This is one of my favorite courses I've taken so far! This landlord certificate is a great feather in the cap for my resume. Thank you!" --
Simon E.
"The course was well structured and the content in all 12 lessons was extremely helpful. The instructor is very knowledgeable with the topic." --
Iyeika M.
"Course was extremely helpful in expanding my knowledge base." --
Kenya C.
"Very much helpful and knowledgeable in every aspect." --
Oscar L.
"Very hard course but loved it." --
Doretha K.
"Absolutely great course." --
Nadine R.
"Very helpful, I really appreciate the help." --
Brian J.
"Thank you. It was a pleasure." --
Robin F.
"All of it was very useful. I would like try my hand at owning and renting a property. The course was very interesting and the instructor was great." --
Helen C.
"Enjoyed the videos and Tests.. Great refrence Websites!!" --
Matthew T.
"I loved how the video pretty much matched the text. I am more of a visual learner than just reading." --
Shane N.
"My course instructor was excellent." --
Bryan S.
"I absolutely enjoyed this course. I felt that the reading material was easy to read and understand. My husband and I have purchased a couples of 3 flat buildings. I feel that the course has been very helpful, I have learned a lot by taking this course. Now the knowledge that I have gained by taking this course will be helpful to us in being landlords." --
Doris C.
"The class was a great experience for me and I am glad that they have schools like this to help people." --
Jonathan P.
"The total scope of the course and what would be involved in becoming a Property Manager was most helpful. It emphasized the many areas you would have to know to be successful. The course was very useful and the instructor was encouraging. " --
Blair W.
"Good course and instructor." --
Leonard Q.
"Many of the marketing ideas were great and some were immediately useful to me." --
Tommy H.
"I have no complaints." --
Dinorah G.
"I think the whole course was helpful. It covered a wide range of topics. I really liked the way it was presented. Very clear. " --
Aldarico D.
"This course is great for people who are looking forward to become property managers. I have learned a lot and the instructor's feedback on my assignments also helped me to understand better as well." --
Dora P.
"I am very interested in real estate, and the information in lessons 1-12 were all very helpful. When you are learning something new it's all important. Thank You Very Much." --
Emmitt M.
"Very good course and instructive. " --
Manfredt C.
"I found that being able to have a video along with the text about the course very helpful." --
Beverly K.
"The entire class was very helpful." --
Deven H.
"I enjoyed the videos. I would read the material myself the first time, then I would play the video the second time through." --
Gary D.