"I Learned many things in this course which is very helpful for my career. All lessons were clear, well explained with example and addition link for advanced learning." -- Brandy R.
"I don't think any changes need to be made. The information is very useful and laid out in a way that helps someone who is not familiar with Accounts Payable to have a better understanding of how AP funtions." -- Lawerence R.
"I learned a lot from this course and I am now the manager of our Accounts Payable Department, Thank you!" -- Andrea R.
"Well planned, awesome material." -- Carol B.
"Over all after all is said and done I think this is a good course and the instructor is a fine instructor. In the future I might just take another course. I will never get to the point where I think I just too smart or know everything to take a class. I thank you for providing me with this excellent opportunity." -- Larry S.
"I really liked the procedure of accounts payable from receiving the invoice to cutting the check to filing." -- Larry S.
"The different process ideas were very helpful." -- SARAH B.
"I appreciated the promptness of the instructor's grading, and her comments were always encouraging and inspiring." -- Sylvia T.
"I actually found all parts very helpful, but I'd say overall, learning how to effectively set up and monitor an Accounts Payable system would be at the top of the list. Once the system is in place with proper log-in, signatures from the proper authorities/departments, payment processes, audits, etc., the whole Accounts Payable department is on its way to being one of the most structured parts of the organization." -- Sylvia T.
"This course was great!" -- Tabitha C.
"Very user friendly course." -- Terri R.
"The basic review was great but the step by step approach to invoice handling was the best part for me." -- Terri R.
"This course offered a lot of details and the essay questions were a great reinforcement tool." -- Ann R.
"I think that it was an awesome course and very helpful and so was the instructor." -- Candice A.
"Everything in this class was helpful because it explains how to use everything." -- Candice A.
"What was most helpful were the assignments. They were very detailed in explainations for each subject." -- Cindy M.
"I love the course and the prompt respond for the instructor." -- Claudia A.
"The lessons are organized and in a easy way to read and understand." -- Claudia A.
"the instructor was very caring and understanding. I like her take again if she teach another class. I'm glad I took this class I didn't know anything about account payable." -- Kimberly L.
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