What is the Wiki Model?

When people get together, amazing things can happen. The power of the group mind is fascinating, and often ideas spring from conversation instead of through singular thought.

This is why the Wiki model is a tool of Web 2.0. This tool allows people to interact with content directly, adjusting it or adding to it as they see fit. With this freedom, people are able to create something unique and dynamic, which allows for continuous improvement and engagement online.

The Power of Collaboration

The old saying is true: Two heads are better than one. When more than one person is focused on a certain topic, they bring together all of their ideas, experiences, and knowledge to the discussion.

Within the Wiki model is the opportunity for everyone to have a chance to speak up. If this is possible online:

  • More ideas are sharedWhile it's possible to share ideas over email or over the phone, when you have a central location, like a Wiki site, there is an opportunity for thousands of people to come to the same place for the same ideas. This allows for many more ideas to be shared.
  • New viewpoints are engagedBecause more voices are in the Wiki model, more viewpoints are present. Instead of having just one person with one opinion, people can talk about their opposing opinions, coming to an understanding and possibly addressing all viewpoints on the Wiki page.
  • Information can be corrected – Since some information may be inaccurate, or may be proven to be inaccurate at a later time, the Wiki model allows for editing. This creates content that can change based on what's happening in the present moment.
  • New resources can emerge – When you have people from around the world talking about a topic, each person might have their own set of resources. By including these resources in the page, you can build a library for the general public to access, as Wikipedia does at the end of its entries.
  • Authors of content are invested – If you have people who are interested in a topic, their additions to a Wiki page are more personal and more thoughtful. These authors are invested in making the content the best it can be, which benefits anyone who is able to read it.
  • Collaborative thinking is easier – Instead of having to schedule meetings, Wiki pages allow for collaborative thinking to happen when it's possible for people to arrive at the page. Additionally, people can come in and out of the conversation, which allows it to be one that can last for years.
  • Education benefits – Many schools are now using Wiki sites to build classroom discussion areas. This can benefit the online student, and it can help those in the classroom to create their own resources for upcoming assignments. Students who work together also tend to retain information more easily than if they had worked on the lessons on their own.

The Wiki model is a great way to gather information, create a resource, and then share it with others who are interested. Instead of relying on one book or one expert, this offers the opportunity for collaboration.

Creating Your Wiki Site

As you may have already guessed from how many Wikipedia entries are available, it is simple to create a Wiki site. There are programs and software options available to aid this process, and they are simple to use. Some are free of charge, while others are not.

You can also engage in the Wikipedia site, entering information into entries after following their submission process.

One simple way to create a Wiki site is to start a blog that allows others to post and to edit posts. When you do this, you will form an instant community that is able to work together toward a common goal or cause.

Though you might not have an instant need for this in business, some have found that collecting business advice and resources on a Wiki page for others to see has supported their goals. Since professionals want to know what others are doing, this tool can help to promote learning and networking.


The Wiki model of collaborative thinking and information sharing can help people gather the resources they need for education, for business, or for personal enjoyment. With these editable sites, people can continue the learning process, and become active in online engagement.