Using Interactive Social Media in Web 2.0
Even if you don't have a business or a need to interact with customers online, you probably already have a social media account. These accounts allow you to speak with others about what's on your mind, and they encourage feedback.

From Facebook to Twitter, Pinterest, and other platforms, these Web 2.0 tools allow you the opportunity to become more visible to your audiences, while also helping you connect to people individually.

The key to making social media outlets work is to become active in usage. The more you can engage, the more others will respond.

Social Media and Engagement

Talking with people is the best way to relate information, but when you have a wider audience, it becomes necessary to utilize tools for better reach. With the immensity of the Web, social media is a better way to engage with people who are already showing interest in the conversation.

Social media offers engagement by:

  • Creating personalized accounts – When you sign up for a social media account, you not only save a place for yourself online, but you also can make your profile unique. This allows you to show what you have to offer and who you are. This is a much more intimate way to show who you are and what you have to offer to the online dialogue.
  • Encouraging responses With options like commenting and 'Likes,' as you see on Facebook, it's simple for you to see what others think about the things you post. You can get responses almost immediately and you can reply back to others' posts to encourage more conversation.
  • Making sharing easier – Social media tools allow you to share information you have, as well as information you have found online. With this continuous sharing, you are able to create on-going movement in the way that you relate. Plus, others will be able to share useful information in an audience with whom you might not be connected.
  • Offering free resourcesSince many social media platforms are free, they are budget friendly ways to extend your reach into the online world.
  • Allowing for cross posting of ideasWhen you connect your social media accounts, you can post your blog entries, ideas, status updates, etc. across all of your social media. This increases your website visibility, and it will allow you to move up in the search engine ranks. Remember, the Web is a web of ideas and information. The more connected you are, the more search engines will rate you higher.

There are a number of social media platforms that can work to help you engage online.

These sites require that you set up an account and profile, then you can use built-in tools to share information. You can also customize your pages to look like your website and you can add in special features to make them even more interactive.

The goal of social media is to make sure everyone you connect with is interested in what you have to say. Choosing the people and accounts you link to is an important part of the process. You want to network with people who are already interested in what you have to share, so that the effectiveness of your posts is immediate.

For those who are interested in selling items, for example, you want to have your social media accounts focused on people who are looking for the products you have for sale. While this reach can extend to potential buyers as well, the more excitement you can build with an interested audience, the more new people will want to find out about your company.

How to Boost Interactions

Like any business tool, the more you use the social media in your everyday work, the more effective it will be. Remember, Web 2.0 is about creating opportunities for interaction, and though social media platforms have ways to get people to talk, you also need to be invested in the process.

  • Post often If you've been on Twitter or Facebook already, you know there are some connections that don't speak up often. They might post once in a while, but since they aren't frequent posters, you don't generally check their pages for updates. To make sure your audience is constantly engaged, you need to give them plenty of posts.
  • Post relevant material – It's ideal that you post information that your audience is interested in reading. When you do, not only do your readers feel you are posting just for them, but they will also begin to see that you have something to offer.
  • Get personal – Though it might be tempting to stay away from the personal details of your life, this choice can also create a barrier between yourself and your audience. People want to get to know you, so be willing to share some parts of your life, your interests, etc.
  • Choose the right time of day When thinking about your audience, consider when they will most likely be online and checking their social media accounts. If you can post during these times, you are more likely to get responses from your activities.
  • Answer your feedback – If you get feedback and answers to your posts, try to answer as many of them as you can. When you do, people will come back to learn more and to reply more. Though you might not be able to address every comment, making the effort will be appreciated.
  • Create excitement – It's not enough to simply post interesting things, you need to generate excitement for your posts and what they have to share. Creating a series of posts will help bring people back, or building excitement for a special announcement can also be effective.
  • Schedule posts ahead of timeIf you find that you don't have time to post regularly, then it's a good idea to invest in a product that will allow you to post ahead of time.
  • Know your audience needsAs you continue to use your social media, look at the posts that generated the most engagement. From those metrics, you can begin to see what you need to post more regularly, or what topics need to be addressed for your audience.

What you need to keep in mind is that social media is social. You need to be willing and ready to actively engage with your audiences to meet their needs and to keep them interested.

Once you have a system in place, things will get easier and you will find the results are worth all the effort.


Social media platforms allow you to have the best possible interaction with people who might be clients, whoalready are customers, and even your friends. The more you engage, the more responses you will receive.

While people online might look for written information more than other pieces of information, this doesn't mean that's the only thing they want. In fact, with all of the saved websites and sources, it can become difficult to read everything that looks interesting.

To make sure your audience is still listening to you, it is often a good idea to have several different ways in which your information can be consumed. Podcasts are one tool for engaging the Web 2.0 audience, helping people listen to what you have to say, instead of having to strain their eyes at a computer.

The Power of Spoken Words

Reading is certainly one of the main ways people gather information, but it is not the only way to reach your audience. Some people relate better to spoken word, because it gives a different experience than a Web page can.

Spoken words help audiences:

  • Learn who you are
  • Find out the tone of your writing/ideas
  • Connect with you more personally

Imagine you had a choice between two companies to buy the same product. Would you buy the product from a person who never was seen by the public, or would you rather buy a product from someone who actively got out and talked to people?

People want to connect to others in a personal way. They want to hear you, so they can find out if they trust you. When you talk to audiences, it's as though you're talking just to them in an intimate way.

This creates a connection and it allows you to be more than just a name.

What to Say/When to Say It

Podcasts are a good idea when you already have begun to use other Web 2.0 tools. For example, if you already have a blog following and you already have a website up and running, it's time to expand your reach into spoken word.

But if you're already engaging with your audience, what more do you have to say?

Here are some ways you can engage with audiences via podcasts:

  • Advice series – You can sketch out an entire series of helpful podcasts that your audience can use. This not only helps to distribute valuable information, but also the series encourages people to come back for more engagement.
  • Personal stories – If you have a personal story you want to share with your audience, doing it over a podcast can be more effective. You can share your emotions more easily in this way, and a personal story is often easier to say than it is to write.
  • Status updates – When you want to connect with your audience more often, it can help to do so with a Monday morning podcast. You audience will know to come back to listen to you, and they will know that any market updates will be shared with them at that time.
  • Seminars – You may want to offer extended seminars for your audience. This will give your audience a more in-depth experience of you and your knowledge, and it will also show you whether selling these types of seminars might be profitable for you in the future.
  • Blog entries – If you want to reduce the time you spend writing podcasts, you can always read your blog entries or talk about their content with your voice. This allows the audience to choose the way they want to receive your information.
  • Inspirational talks – Often, when you want to inspire others, it's a good idea to do so with your voice, as opposed to a blog entry. You can convey your passion much more effectively this way.

Even if you're not sure that podcasts are the right choice for your goals, it's a good idea to try to create a few for your audience to see what the response might be.

Remember, even though you aren't talking to your audience directly, the podcast is a more engaging way to interact than print. Asking for comments on your podcasts or feedback is yet another way to interact with your audience after they've spent time listening to what you have to say.

Getting Your Podcasts Out There

In order to have a podcast option for your audience, you need to have a few things in place:

  • Recording equipment
  • Software for creating audio files
  • A place to store your podcasts

This is a process that can get very technical, but we're going to talk about the basics of podcasting in order to make this more accessible for the new user.

Many smartphones include audio recorders that can help you get started, though you will want to play it back to yourself to check on the audio quality. You also can invest in an audio recorder that instantly turns your recordings into Mp3 files, helping you more easily add this to a podcasting service, like iTunes.

For people who want to get their podcasts into the general public, using iTunes is essential. It will allow you to connect your podcast to the system, and people can then subscribe to the feed to get the new podcasts delivered to them instantly.

There are other services as well, though you will want to keep in mind that since you will need to store the podcast on your own system you need to make sure your bandwidth capabilities are sufficient. If you have a lot of subscribers, you might incur charges on your account to ensure everyone can have access at the same time.


Podcasts are a simple way to connect with your audience with your voice, as opposed to just your written word. This engages the audience in a new way, and it allows you to continue a conversation you start on a website or blog.