All About Excel 2010 Forms
Entering and managing lots of data can be a daunting task. It's easy to get overwhelmed in all of those rows and columns of information. The solution is to use a form. A form is simply a dialog box that lets you display or enter information one record (or row) at a time. It can also make the information more visually appealing and easier to understand.
Most people who are familiar with the MS Office suite associate complex forms with Excel's sister program Access, but you can use them in Excel as well. In fact, you can even share data between the two programs.
Adding the Form Button to the Quick Access Toolbar The Form button is not included in the ribbon, but you can add it to the Quick Access Toolbar, which, if you remember, is in the upper left hand corner of the application window.

To add the Form button, click the arrow to the right of the Quick Launch toolbar and select More Commands. This will launch the Excel Options window, which can also be accessed by clicking Options on the File tab.

In the "Choose commands from" box, select All Commands, then scroll down through the list until you find Forms. Select it and click Add. When you are finished, click OK.

This is what the Form button looks like: 
Using Data Forms
Before you can use the data form function in MS Excel, you must first create a label at the top of each column for each range of information. That's because Excel uses these labels to create fields on the form. See the illustration below for an example of a simple data form.
Entering Data Using a Data Form If you've ever filled out an application online, you're familiar with a data form. In fact, when you fill out one of those applications, you are inserting information into a database program much like Excel, except you never get to see the resulting spreadsheet.

Entering data is as easy as selecting the correct field and typing. Use the Tab key to jump to the next field. When you are finished, press Enter. This automatically takes you to the next record. If you are at the end of the record list, it will create a new file. 

Use the scroll bar or the Find Prev, Find Next buttons to browse through records.

Use the Criteria button to enter a search term into any field.

Developing a Workbook

 In this section, we're going to show you how to develop it further to fit your needs.

Format Worksheet Tabs

You can change the color of a worksheet tab by right click on it and choosing Tab Color.
You can also choose to protect the sheet from editing by right clicking on it and choosing Protect Sheet.

This will  prevent you from accidentaly changing something, or an unauthorized person from editing it.

Choose a password, then select the items you'd like to protect. Click OK when finished.

Reposition Sheets

You can easily reposition worksheets by left clicking its tab in the lower left hand portion of the workbook and dragging it to the desired position. As you drag, a black arrow becomes active between the worksheet tabs, telling you where the worksheet will be place. Release the mouse to place the worksheet.

You can also right click on a tab and click Move or Copy.

A window will open that looks like this:

You can choose to move the sheet between books, or within the same book, and position it before other sheets. You can also create a copy of the selected sheet. Click OK when finished.

Inserting, Deleting, and Renaming Worksheets

To insert a worksheet, right click on a worksheet tab and select insert. An Insert window will open. You have the option of inserting a worksheet, a chart, a workbook, and more. Since we're just going to insert a worksheet, we're going to select it and click OK.

To delete a worksheet, right click on it and select Delete.

To rename a worksheet, right click on it and select Rename. The name of the worksheet will be highlighted in black. Type your new name and hit enter.

Copy Worksheets

To create a copy of a worksheet, right click on its tab and select Move or Copy.

Check the Create a copy box. You can copy sheets to different workbooks easily in this way.

Printing a Workbook

Printing a workbook is not quite as easy as printing a document in Microsoft Word. Setting it up to print in a way that is visually appealing and in the order you'd like takes some setting up. The rest of this section is devoted to helping you do just that.

The tools that will help you print your document correctly can be found on the Page Layout tab, while the Print button is located in File tab (Backstage View.)

Right now, let's focus on the technical aspects like choosing a printer and locating the print button.

Go to the File tab and click Print.
Here we can choose the number of copies we'd like to print, as well as our printer. In this example, we have Send To OneNote2007 as our printer. To select an active printer on your computer, click this button.

If you don't have a printer installed, you can choose to add one.

When you are ready to print, click the Print button.
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Set Print Titles

The Print Titles  button opens the Page Setup window.

Here you can select a print area, as well as which rows or columns to repeat. You can also elect to print Gridlines, row and column headings, or in black and white and draft quality.

Use the Page order section to select the way in which Excel will print.


You can insert a header and a footer for each worksheet in your workbook. The Header/Footer   button is located on the Insert tab.

A header is any text or information that is entered into the top margin of a page, while a footer is the text and information entered into the bottom margin of a page.

When you click the Header & Footer button, the headers and footers become active in your worksheet.

Your worksheet will look like this.   Below that is a zoom of the left and right sides of the Header and Footer Tools ribbon.


As you can see, a header is available for every page that will be printed. To enter a header, click it and start typing. In the example above, the header on the left is active.

You may also have noticed that the Header & Footer Tools are active. This is true any time a header or footer is selected. To switch between a header and a footer, use the Go to Header and Go to Footer buttons in the Navigation group of the Header & Footer tools.

You can use the tools in the Header & Footer Elements groups to add elements to your header or footer, such as a page number, the current date and time, a sheet name and even a picture.

Page Margins

The Page Margins   button can be found on the Page Layout tab. This allows you to set white space around the edges of your worksheets when you print them. (They don't normally affect how you work within a worksheet, at least not in the same way that page margins affect your documents in a word processing program like MS Word.)

Clicking the button reveals a dropdown menu.
You can choose one of the predefined margin styles, or you can create your own by clicking Custom Margins at the bottom. Clicking this will open the Page Setup window.

Clicking the Print Preview button will show you an exact replica of what your worksheet will look like when printed. Click OK when you are satisfied.

Page Orientation

Page orientation refers to the long side of a page. For instance, if an ordinary 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper is positioned vertically (that is with the shortest edge at the top and bottom), it's orientation is said to be in Portrait View. If the piece of paper is positioned so that the longest edge is on the top and bottom, it is said to be in Landscape View.

Again, this doesn't mean anything while you are working within a workbook, since you're more interested in entering information. When you are printing is when this is most important. That is why the tools to change page orientation can be found on the File tab (Backstage View) in the Print tools.
In the example above, Portrait Orientation is selected. Click the button to select a landscape orientation. You can also change orientation in the Page Setup window.

The Orientation  button can also be found on the Page Layout tab.

Page Breaks

The Page Break button is located on the Page Layout tab. When you enter a page break in this way, the place in your worksheet where the page break appears will be a dark dotted line, as in the following example.

Print a Range of Pages

To print a range of pages, instead of the entire document at once, go to the Backstage View, and click Print.

Choose Print Selection, then enter the page range you'd like to print. In this case, we're going to print pages 2 through 7.

Select a printer, then click the Print button: .

Sharing Worksheets and Workbooks

There are several ways to share data and information located in your MS Excel 2010 workbooks with other colleagues, associates, or friends.   The way you share depends on how you want to transmit the information, if the person you are sending it to has MS Excel, or if you just want to send a fixed version of a finished workbook by email. In this article, we're going to cover the ways that you can share your MS Excel 2010 workbooks.

Using Online Collaboration

An exciting new feature for Excel 2010 is the tight integration with the Excel 2010 web app. The web app is available from Microsoft Office Live, and requires a Windows Live ID to access. 

The Excel Web App allows you to create and edit Excel files inside your web browser. This means you can access them anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. You don't even have to have Excel 2010 installed on your computer.

Excel 2010 is, however, tightly integrated with the web app. You can easily access and edit documents in Excel and save them directly to the web.

What's more, the documents you create or even upload to the Excel web app are stored on SkyDrive, which is a "cloud service" provided by Microsoft. With Skydrive you can allow others access to these files for easy collaboration. You can even track changes someone else makes to your files in real time.

To save or access files in SkyDrive, go to the File tab (Backstage View) and click Save to Web. You will be asked to sign into SkyDrive with your Windows Live ID. When you do, Excel will automatically retrieve the folders and documents stored there.

Protecting a Workbook

Even though you may be collaborating with other individuals, you may want to protect certain formatting options and pieces of information so that they cannot be inadvertently altered.

The tools that help you accomplish this task can be found on the Review tab.
The Protect Sheet button allows you to protect only the attributes of a given sheet. It launches a window which asks you for a password and which attributes you want to lock. In this examples, users will be able to select locked and unlocked cells, format rows (but not columns) and insert rows and hyperlinks.
The Protect Workbook function allows you to lock the structure and windows of a workbook.

Change Versions of a Workbook

Excel allows you to recover previous versions of a workbook in case of emergency. To do so, go to Info on the File tab and then select Manage Versions.

You will have the option of recovering previous versions of a workbook or deleting them.
Clicking the Recover Unsaved Workbooks option asks you to locate the unsaved workbook.

Select a workbook and click Open.

A message will tell you that this is an unsaved file from a temporary location on your computer.

If you'd like to keep the file, click Save As.

Set Up a Shared Version of a Workbook

You can use MS Excel 2010 to create a workbook that several users can work in simultaneously. All these users would create the workbook together, meaning this is very different than allowing users to edit a workbook.

To create a workbook that can be shared, go to the Review tab click the Share Workbook button. 

This dialogue box shows you all users who have the workbook open at that time.   If you want other users to be able to make changes at the same time, check the box at the top, under the editing tab. You should check this box for workbook sharing, then click OK. 

Save the workbook. Go to the File Tab and save the file on a network location where other users can access and collaborate on it. 

Note: If, after the workbook is finished, you'll want to merge all the copies together, click the Review tab and make sure track changes is enabled.

Merging Versions of the Same Workbook

Of course, when you have several users creating the same workbook, you're going to want to see the different versions that are created. Each user should save the workbook as a unique file name, then send the versions to you.   You can then compare and merge the different versions with your own (the master version.) 

Open the workbook that you want to use to compare against other versions.

The Merge Workbooks button is not available in the ribbon by default, but you can add it easily with the new customizable ribbon tools.

To do so, go to the File tab (Backstage View) and click Options. Select Customize Ribbon and in the Choose commands from box, select Commands Not in the Ribbon. Scroll down until you find the Compare and Merge Workbooks button and select it. This will activate the Add>> button between the two panes. We're going to put the button in the Review tab near all of the other collaboration tools. You will have to create a new group in order to add the button, but that's as easy and clicking the New Group button. As soon as you've created a new group, click the Add>> button. The button should now be available. Click OK.
Now let's go to the Review tab and make sure it is available.

And there it is, on the extreme right of the above example.

Note: You can only merge a shared workbook with copies that were made from the same shared notebook. Also, all users must save a copy of the shared workbook with a file name that is different from the original workbook. However, all copies of the shared workbook should be located in the same folder.

Click the Compare and Merge Workbooks button and select the Workbooks you want to Merge. Click OK when finished.

Adding, Editing, and Deleting Comments

You can attach a comment to any cell by selecting the cell, then going to the Review tab and clicking the New Comment button: . When a comment is made, a red wedge appears in the corner of the cell it's attached to.
There are a few ways you can see the comment. The easiest is to simply hover the mouse pointer over it.

Alternatively, you can navigate to the Review tab and click the Show/Hide Comment  button or the Show All Comments   button. Use the Previous  and Next  buttons to navigate through the comments in a document.

If you select a cell that already has a comment in it, the New Comment button will change to the Edit Comment  button . Click this to be able to edit a comment.

There are two ways to delete a comment. The first, and easiest, is to right click the cell that contains the comment you want to delete, then selecting Delete Comment.

The other way is to select the cell with a comment, going to the Review tab and clicking the Delete Comment  button.

Creating and Sharing Workbook Templates

A template is a worksheet or workbook that already had your preferred formatting such as font, font size, colors, etc. You can create your own templates in MS Excel 2010 easily and rather quickly. This part of the article will teach you how.

Creating a Template

Whenever you start a new workbook in MS Excel 2010, it uses the default template, which is simply a blank workbook with no formatting. The name of this default template is Book.xlt. 

If you use various formatted worksheets regularly, you can create worksheet templates to make the process easier. The default worksheet template that MS Excel 2010 provides is named Sheet.xlt.

To create a template:

  • Create a worksheet or workbook with the formatting that you want to be in the template.
  • To save a formatted workbook as a template, go to the File tab and click Save As. The Save As window will open, asking you where you want to save the file and what you want to name it. Click on the Save As Type box and select Excel Template or Macro Enabled Excel Template. Click save and it will be stored as a template. 
  • To save a formatted worksheet as a template, create a template with just one worksheet. Format the worksheet as you want it for the template, then go tothe File tab, and select Template in the Save As Type box.   
  • Select the folder that you want the template to be stored in.